About Us

At Oasislee, our brand tailors around neutral pieces with occasional pops of accent colors that can be incorporated in everyday life from timeless classics to modern essentials. We wanted to emphasize inclusivity and versatility that is why we curated a color palette that will pair well with various skin tones. With Oasislee, we hope to inspire women to have the confidence to feel good in the pieces that they wear and how effortless the process truly can be with a few simple colors. We hope that you can find some love among the pieces that we offer and we want to thank you so much for visiting our website and supporting our small business. Let’s look good, feel good together!

Meet the Owner!

Hello! My name is Vanessa. I am currently a full-time mom to a beautiful baby boy, an ICU nurse, and now owner of Oasislee! If you couldn’t already tell by that brief description, I am always on the go and am rarely seen idle for too long. I created Oasislee to share my love for effortless, neutral, earth tone apparel that can be worn time and time again and apparel that gives options for looks that cater to your individual lives. I also enjoy being able to feel good, look good, and be comfortable with the clothing I wear especially when I am always on the go. I want you all to feel good, look, good, and be comfortable too! Hence, the creation of Oasislee!